Spark the Light Within
Hypnosis, Healing and Spiritual Services
Tough times don't last tough people do
Myths about Hypnosis
Many people have misconceptions about Hypnosis and are discouraged from seeking legitimate treatment with hypnosis. I would like to clear certain concerns people may have about Hypnosis.
People base their assumptions about Hypnosis on Stage Hypnotism and Hollywood fiction. They think they will be made to perform embarrassing acts, such as bark like a dog, or walk like a duck; but little do they know that the people who volunteer to act on stage are screened by the hypnotist to select who are cooperative, with possible exhibitionist tendencies and who allow themselves to participate in these acts.
People feel that being hypnotized will make them:
lose control or their mind will be controlled by the hypnotist
surrender their will
They will lose all sense of their surroundings, and will have no memory of the session.
They may not be able to snap out of it
Hypnosis is Dangerous.
The facts are:
No one can control your mind, unless you let them. Your Hypnotist will give you suggestions that you want to be given, based on the Pre-Hypnotic Interview. At no point during your session will you lose control of your mind. If you hear a suggestion that you don't agree with, or don't understand, your subconscious mind will automatically reject it.
Hypnosis is not an unconscious state of sleep. In fact, if you sleep nothing will work, you are talking to your hypnotist when in trance. Most people report having a heightened sense of awareness, concentration and focus during a session. Many people are aware of what occurs during hypnosis and even if you do not remember, your subconscious mind does which is beneficial for your progress.
Hypnosis is very safe and is in fact, a state of hyper-awareness. Any time there is an emergency, a person would naturally be able to come out of the Hypnotic state by opening their eyes, and stretching or speaking.
Hypnosis is a NOT "Miracle Cure".
While Hypnosis is a relatively quick method of making permanent improvements, there is no such thing as a one-time "Hypno-Miracle"! Every individual makes progress at his or her own rate. There is no magic wand we can swing.
Hypnosis is NOT a great tool to get someone to "confess".
Hypnosis sessions are kept private and cannot be used for court testimony. It is not an alternative to lie detector tests. Hypnosis cannot force anyone to "tell the truth" or to confess.
Some people feel that they cannot be hypnotized because their mind is too strong or disciplined.
Hypnosis is something that is not forced upon you. Since you have made your decision to use Hypnosis for self-improvement, your mind has already accepted the idea of Hypnotherapy. You are completely in control, a hypnotist is just there to suggest and guide you. All you have to do is follow the suggestion given to your subconscious mind and you yourself will do what is truly needed for your well being.